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In this section of the website, we will be citing all the work & presentations we have done in the framework of the Panteion university course of the department CMC; "Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations"
In the framework of our university course "Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations" we presented the IKEA campaign for "ThisAble"'s
project that won the Cannes Lions Lions Grand for Health and Wellness 2019.
1. "ThisAble" by IKEA, presentation
A similar project to ThisAble's: https://www.businessinsider.com/sc/how-this-startup-ceo-is-reshaping-personal-mobility-in-japan-2021-3
Official website: https://whill.inc/us/?ref=us
2. Edelman Trust Barometer Report 2021, presentation

We delved into the key findings & insights of the Edelman Trust Barometer Report of 2021.
Also, we attempted to draw out some key conclusions and comment and the implications for brands, advertising, PR, media organisations.
We tried to give an answer to the question how would we apply those key findings to our projects and company in general.

Tackling Misinformation
Think Local
Speak Social
3. Trust and Reputation
How Reputation Drives Business Outcomes?
We examined what the Reputation Drivers are and how they drive business outcomes. We presented some valuable insights for our own projects as we gradually build the trust and reputation for our own start-up agency and for our costumers.
Online Stability
4. Rachel Botsman Presentation
We delved into the world of Rachel Botsman's thinking and sayings about trust and it's aspects and expanded our view on the topic. We tried to interpret her ideas to our liking for our company, updated our goals and got a clearer perspective on the concept of trust.
Rachel Botsman - trust expert - and her work on trust
Case Study about Nintendo
Check out Nintendo's official site and their theme park, Super Nintendo World: https://www.nintendo.com/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQaRBOI-9kg
Going along with the topic of trust and reputation, we decided to analyse how Nintendo built it's reputation and how they engage with their costumers. Basically, searching of practical ways to be successful in the trust and reputation field applied into a really life company. We noticed some great and original techniques that we might consider applying to our company as well, of course, with our own twist to them! 

Nintendo: Brand Positioning Strategy
Nintendo caters to all age groups and all types of people (casual and non casual gamers) and it's two main competitors are Sony and Microsoft and later we mention their strengths and weaknesses. Nintendo is known for its uniqueness, power of play and that they address to people who get excluded from the traditional gamer community, etc. Also, their positioning statement includes easy gameplay, unique design, that they are portable and have variety in games. Moving on to evaluation, we found reviews on the internet, engaging with costumers. Nintendo uses nostalgia strategy, opinion polls with friendly looking characters. Also, they make remakes of old games, focusing on innovative gameplay with original design, costumer service in all forms, occasional provision of free repairs. Their consoles and controls are very easy to use. Also, Nintendo employees are required to embody the friendly, playful character that their brand represents and to have the teams spirit!

Creative Brief
We made a creative brief on Miro board about Nintendo. It was a quick text, with bullet points. We included Nintendo's background information, unique selling proposition, their goals/objectives, their target audience. Also, we mention their market position (quick SWOT analysis), deliverables, their tone of voice, likes and disklikes. A creative brief should also include the budget of the client (in our case, it's Nintendo), their timeline and milestones.
And based off of this creative brief, we created a new campaign for Nintendo.. coming today!

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